We believe blockchain technology is the key to the future. So we always try to learn and understand it deeply. Currently we're focusing on MultiversX. Join us!
We are running servers for staking and running a pool on MultiversX. We believe that MultiversX will be a game changer in blockchain ecosystem.
By staking eGLD, we are earning eGLD everyday. If you are an eGLD holder and you want to participate in the network, you can delegate to our pool and earn too.
You can delegate to our pool by using Elrond Web Wallet, Maiar or our Delegation Dashboard.
Our pool is using a Smart Contract audited by Elrond team. It's a non-custodial pool and you are always the owner of your eGLD.
You can undelegate your eGLD by using Elrond Web Wallet, Maiar or our Delegation Dashboard. It's a two-step process: first you undelegate then wait for 10 days to finalize the process.
The minimum amount to delegate/undelegate is 1 eGLD.
You can undelegate your eGLD by using Elrond Web Wallet, Maiar or our Delegation Dashboard. It's a two-step process: first you undelegate then wait for 10 days to finalize the process.
The Rosetta Stone helped experts learn to read Egyptian hieroglyphs, it's a bridge to the past. We are amazed by Blockchain Technology and we believe it's the key technology of our future civilization. We don't want to become just a Staking Provider, but also a bridge that can help people learn about Blockchain Technology and prepare for the future. So come the name Rosetta Stake and the slogan "Learn Stake Earn"
We are software engineers, entrepreneurs who strongly believe in MultiversX and Blockchain Technology. We started Rosetta Stake with the intention of becoming not just a Staking Provider but also a place where we can share our knowledge to help people learn about MultiversX and Blockchain Technology.
With all of our skills, knowledge and experiences, we strive to become a great Staking Provider and contribute our best to the Blockchain community.
Let's "Learn Stake Earn"!